Sunday 31 July 2011

A Project

It seems my thoughts on starting this journal were almost precognitive. I have received a request from my Twilight obsessed niece who has asked me to write her a novel (she actually asked for a book about 3ins thick - HAHAHAHAH <---hysterical laughter) all about vampires and witches and werewolves. I am choosing to ignore the first two because that's far too Twilight, and will instead focus on the witches aspect - that particular aspect of the supernatural having not entirely saturated the book market (especially for teens and tweens) over the last few years. Of course this means I now have to start with a plot outline, characters, and get writing!

Saturday 30 July 2011

The Inaugural Post

This blog has been on the cards for a while - in fact for the last two weeks it has sat here on the server empty and waiting for me to decide whether to write anything or not. So, here it is at last; the first post - though to be honest this has taken longer to write than most short stories.

Here you will find my thoughts about writing, various pieces of writing and probably my battle against a writer's worst nightmare: writer's block.

I have been writing for well over half my life - and not just in the "in my summer holidays I went to Chessington Zoo and my brother threw up on the bouncy castle" sense. I love telling stories but over the years have suffered from writer's block. The creation of this journal is a sign that I am ever hopeful going through my past work (some of which I may post here - if I can find the time and energy to transcribe it AND resist the urge to do the sort of rewrites that pre-pubescent writing often requires) will provide me with the right amount of inspiration to start again. I am more determined than ever that I will get something written that I am proud of.